Okay, okay, just one more post about Patriot’s Day. Then we can move on to something new. There are just so many interesting things that happened because of Patriot’s Day.
- Minutemen companies marched long distances to reach Concord
- Some reeenactors commemorate those marches each year
Last summer, I had the idea to walk along the British Regular’s route from Charlestown to Concord. First of all, my grandma was incredulous: you can’t just up and walk 18 miles she said. However, the weekend we planned to do it didn’t work out, and I was left thinking to do it sometime in the future. I did ask around if anyone already did that, and the answer seemed to be no.
But I did find the Sudbury Minutemen, who march every April 19th along the route that a Sudbury company took as a commemoration. The public is welcome to join them, although there ended up being only one other person in “civilian clothing.”

As I said, this is a march of the Sudbury Minutemen, and there is a difference between minutemen and militia. Participation in the militia was required, being a minuteman was voluntary. Minutemen were called to be ready at “a moment’s notice,” more like half an hour, but still faster than the militia.
All in all, the march from Sudbury center to the North Bridge is approximately 10 miles. The way we perceive distances now is not the same way they did then. In a car, getting from one place to another is no great hurdle. You hop in, and might arrive 15-25 minutes later, fresh as a daisy. Or at least as fresh as you started.
In contrast, a 10 mile trip was a commitment. We left Sudbury at 6:15 in the morning. Some folks had already walked from Wayland (previously part of Sudbury) starting at 4 am.
Salute in a Cemetary Town Line of Concord
A few of the reenactors have been marching annually for over 50 years. One of them introduced himself to us. Bob was 90 years old! Though he didn’t walk the whole route this year, let’s just say there were a lot of people who didn’t walk it at all.
Along the way, militiamen loaded and shot their muskets willy-nilly. However, there are different blackpowder rules in Sudbury and Concord. So when we reached the Sudbury town line, the men lined up to use up the rest of their gunpowder: Concord doesn’t allow random musket shooting.
Spectators waited along our route to hail the minutemen as we passed by. When marching in step, it really was a thrilling sight. Fifers and drummers played the entire time, lending the whole thing an official air. A couple kids stood at their driveway banging on their own drums while we marched past.
Break at Barrett’s Farm Waiting for the Train
Quick fun fact: our hired police escort closed down the Route 2 rotary in Concord for us to cross! Those in Massachusetts know this is no easy feat, and at rush hour, no less.
After 5 hours of walking, I didn’t exactly feel at my peak physical ability. Though the minutemen were likely in better shape, I can’t imagine they were feeling spritely upon arrival either. I’m sure they were fueled by adrenaline as they anticipated meeting the Regulars, which surely helped. Can you imagine how long the march would’ve seemed? Not knowing what awaited you at the end? Walking in their footsteps (literally!) gave me a new insight into what that day was like for the colonists.
I must also comment on the friendliness of the group: we were the “new recruits.” Multiple people told us we were welcome to share in their food at the rest stops. Reenactors had us step into line with them, and we were encouraged to come back next year.
If you have the chance, by all means march with the Sudbury Minutemen next year. What an experience! Dress up only if you can/want to. The pace is steady; I was never out of breath, and there are cars to hop in if you need a break. Mark your calendars for April 19th (they stick with the actual date, not the state holiday). But whatever you do, don’t march behind the musicians 😉
Sudbury Companies of Militia & Minute – Colonial Reenactors
The Sudbury Companies of Militia and Minute preserve American heritage and educate the public through reenactments, performances, speaker events, a monthly muster, a Colonial Faire, parades, and other educational, fun events.