Discovering History Everywhere

Author: Ava (Page 5 of 6)

The Sawyer House

Now this place has become near and dear to me. Used as the headquarters of the Bolton Historical Society, I’ve been spending some time here each week. Handling 200 year-old documents, discussing how cookies could add to a fundraiser, and discovering a new link in Bolton’s history are all activities that I’ve participated in. So much happens inside the building, sometimes I forget about the story of the building itself. So it was a great experience to go on a tour given to my family and friend when they came to visit.

Ushered in by a chilling breeze, we stepped through the house’s old green door. Inside the entryway, a steep, wood staircase leads to the second floor, and several doorways sprout from the narrow hall. Turning into the room known as the ballroom, we made our introductions. Then our tour began.

To start, they began with Bolton’s earliest origins. Incorporated on its own in 1738, the tiny town of Bolton was originally part of Lancaster, Massachusetts. Though now you can zip from one small town to another in minutes, many people walked in those days. When Sunday meetings were held on the opposite side of town than where they lived, inhabitants soon tired of their arduous hike. So they applied to become their own town.

As I mentioned, we were standing in the ballroom. This room actually used to be a part of a different building! Serving as the ballroom for the Holman Tavern for many years, it was later brought down the street and reattached, as people were fond of doing back then. Though the space is not very large when it comes to ballrooms, we were told that it would hold the amount of passengers who came in on the coach and were looking for an activity to pass the night with before they slept.

When the ballroom was restored, picture molding was installed so that the walls would not be damaged if they needed to hang anything. Several portraits now lie against the walls, brief sights of the people who used to call Bolton home. Some of the figures are from the Nourse family. Back in 17th century Salem, one of the ‘witches’ that was hung was Rebekah Towne Nurse. After the Witch Trials, her family moved to Bolton and changed their name, trying to be rid of the association. Now her descendants have left their mark out here.

Across the hallway is another room used for exhibits. A working victrola stands in one corner, and we listened to its cheerful soundtrack for a few minutes. Hanging on an old, metal dress form is a World War II nurses’ uniform. Next to it, there are pictures of the woman who originally wore it, now very old!

At the end of the hallway is the kitchen where one of the house’s residents, Florence Sawyer, spent a lot of her time. Florence was the town’s 4H leader for several decades and taught many boys and girls how to sew and cook. Boltonites who are old enough to have spent time with her remember fondly stopping by her home on the way back from school for a freshly baked cookie.

Behind the kitchen, a less-finished room is tacked onto the main house. Called the Summer Kitchen, its purpose was to allow the hot activity of cooking to take place just outside of the main house during the year’s warmer months. That way, the house could stay a little cooler. An interesting feature of this room to note is the small space portioned off in one corner. Peek inside and you’ll see a two-holer privy. Let that sink in for a moment.

Next, we headed upstairs. The second level is where most of the work at the historical society happens. While the downstairs is set up with exhibits and such, the upstairs is filled with donations and collections that are not on display. Two rooms are filled to bursting with boxes containing various items, from 19th century underwear to an old key belonging to the powder house on the hill. (The powder house was where the town’s ammunition would be stored.)

Another room is walled with bookshelves: there are books about Bolton, newspaper clippings, over 2,000 photographs, and more. A work table is in the center, and a computer sits on the side. On the computer is stored a digitized version of Bolton’s first town book, in which is included all the town’s responses to the American Revolution!

The fourth room is where I spend a lot of time. Spread across the table are stacks of old documents and recent donations that are waiting to be catalogued. Yellowing folds of paper from the 1700’s are carefully recorded and put away in their designated spots. Sometimes the handwriting can be impossibly difficult to read, but it’s always a triumph when it can be deciphered. I’ve been trying to make sure my own writing’s in tip-top shape now. Just in case it’s important to someone one hundred years from now.

Up a final flight of stairs is the attic. It also holds mounds of historic artifacts. Two huge spinning wheels sit in the center, and there’s even a bust of Napoleon Bonaparte in one corner. Did you know that Napolean almost visited Bolton? He mentioned it in one of his writings, and was invited there after the war, but the offer didn’t come to fruition.

Outside, there are two other buildings on the property. One is a barn, where each year the society holds their annual wreath sale. The original barn was actually much smaller, but a subsequent resident added on.

A smaller building sits to the side, with faded wooden sides, locked up tight. A blacksmith shop sign usually sits above the doors, but it’s been brought in for repairs. Inside is a shop capable of being fully functional. A giant leather bellow hangs from the ceiling, and iron tools are hung all around. The tools are sometimes used by family who reconstructed an exact version of a blacksmith shop that used to stand in Bolton. Down to the very last detail of its former build, you might not be able to tell the difference. The story goes that this particular shop might have used to have been a chicken coop.

I really enjoy spending time here, and I would encourage anyone to stop by if they have the chance. And even though all the items here are very interesting, it’s the people who devote their time here, telling their intriguing stories and factoids about the town, that really make up the Bolton Historical Society.

Adventure on Boston’s Freedom Trail

Set into the pavement of Boston, a thin brick trail snakes through the city. Follow the path, and you’ll past by over 16 sites of historical importance to U.S. independence. There are many ways to explore the Freedom Trail, from winging it on your own, to taking a guided tour. Our plan was to do some of each.

The Freedom Trail Foundation is the most prevalent agency: you can buy their tickets in a booth on the Boston Common. They offer several different tours in addition to their standard one, such as the African-American Patriots Tour, and Revolutionary Women Tour.

Another site to check is the Boston National Historical Park website. Lots of free programs are listed. There are Walking the Battlefield tours and Faneuil Hall Talks among many others. Make sure you look before you go!

Founded in 1634(!), the Boston Common marks the start of the Freedom Trail. The area was called the Common because it was land held common to all, where anyone and everyone’s animals could graze. Believe it or not, before the digging projects in Boston, one side of the space actually fronted the water! The Common was also a place where public punishments took place. Picture stocks and a gallows. Not exactly where you’d pick to put a playground. XP

Even though the website warned that the early tours were packed, we went on one anyway. We wanted to get an earlier start in the city. Our group was so large we split in two. But you needn’t be worried about hearing the tour guide. He expertly shouted the entire tour; I was impressed.

Our tour guide was Isaiah Thomas, printer of the Massachusetts Spy in the 18th century. Thomas shifted from his 18th century identity to his knowledgable 21st century self seamlessly. Known as Rob Crean, he was trained as a comedian, and you can tell. There were lots of punny jokes related to historic Boston happenings. Crean/Thomas also incorporated great unusual anecdotes into his tour that I really enjoyed.

Across the street from the Common was the next site on the trail. Lying in the shadow of the Park Street Church is the Old Granary burial ground. The name comes from the large granary that used to stand in the church’s place. (Park Street church wasn’t built until later–founded 1809).

John Hancock’s Stone

Many famous revolutionaries were interred here. Names such as James Otis, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Sam Adams grace the headstones.

An interesting side note: pennies fill the top of Revere’s grave. Jewish traditions of placing stones on graves translated to pennies in honor of the silversmith.

Thomas/Crean rattled off several more diverting tidbits: Paul Revere’s family fled from France–they were Huguenots. Revere’s father’s name was actually Apollos Rivoire, but he Anglicized it when they moved. Also, take a look at the golden dome of the State House. Paul Revere originally plated it in copper! But when the verdigris consumed it, Bostonians decided it wasn’t elegant enough for their seat of government.

I mentioned Sam Adams. Our guide made several jabs at the well-known figure. Apparently, he wasn’t an especially attractive man. Likely you’ve heard of the beer bearing his name. But the picture on the bottle is Paul Revere instead, a noticeably more handsome face.

A little farther down the brick path is site of the Boston Latin school. This was the first public school in the country, started in 1635. Producing famous alumni such as Cotton Mather, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams, the school still operates in a different location. The current structure in residence is the Old City Hall, which was built in 1865. In front of the building’s impressive columns stands a statue of Benjamin Franklin. (Ironically, he was a Boston Latin School dropout.)

We walked just past the Boston Massacre Site to avoid the crowds and traffic surrounding it. Thomas/Crean proceeded to give an amazing retelling of the event – unlike any I’ve heard. His account brought light to an oft forgotten perspective of the event: that of the Regulars.

The actual spot of the massacre is in the middle of the intersection. When installing the memorial, they didn’t want any more deaths caused by incautious gawkers, so they set it off to one side.

If you’re curious to know more about the Boston Massacre, look up John Adams’ part in the trial. The proceedings brought his name to the forefront for the first time, and in a negative light for many.

Our final stop on the Walk Through History tour was Faneuil Hall. As you stand before the building, try to imagine it as it was originally–about half the size, and partially over the water. It’s a bit difficult.

Faneuil Hall Under Restoration

Faneuil Hall was built as one man’s effort to leave a legacy to a world where he left no descendants. Peter Faneuil’s wealthy uncle deeded his riches to Peter under the promise that Peter would marry his business and no one else. He agreed. When he began to age, he decided to build the town of Boston an indoor market bearing his name.

Another aspect of the hall I found fascinating was the time capsule. Upon further studying, the timeline of the capsule seems a bit vague, mixed with some legend. However, standing firmly in fact is the construction of the grasshopper weather vane by Shem Drowne. At some point in the 18th century, the vane began to be used as a time capsule, likely by Drowne’s son. Various coins, papers, and a note were discovered inside.

This was the end of the tour, but the Freedom Trail Foundation also offers a North End tour that continues one hour later. We enjoyed ourselves so much we bought tickets for the second half. After selecting some tasty lunch from inside Quincy Market, we were off.

To Be Continued…

Boston National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Boston National Historical Park Massachusetts Discover how one city could be the Cradle of Liberty, site of the first major battle of American Revolution, and home to many who espoused that freedom can be extended to all. Plan your visit to a city with over three centuries of revolution.

| The Freedom Trail

The Freedom Trail is a unique collection of museums, churches, meeting houses, burying grounds, parks, a ship, and historic markers that tell the story of the American Revolution and beyond. Freedom Trail Sites The Freedom Trail Foundation’s most popular tour highlights the revolutionary history that took place at 11 of the 16 official Freedom Trail historic sites.

Old City Hall

For more than 120 years, Boston’s leaders have met in this historic area of the city. It was home to Boston’s first public school attended by Ben Franklin, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams, and it served as City Hall for 38 mayors, including John Fitzgerald and James Curley.

The Old North Church

Founded in 1722, Christ Church in the City of Boston, known as the Old North Church, is Boston’s oldest surviving church and most visited historical site.

Home – USS Constitution Museum

The USS Constitution Museum has a suggested admission of: USS Constitution (the Ship) is free to visit and requires a photo I.D. for those 18 or older. Set sail for adventure and discover the history of “Old Ironsides” – the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world – with interactive exhibits, hands-on programs, and a vast collection of artifacts that is fun for all ages.

ALHFAM and Trenton, NJ

Mural in Downtown Trenton, New Jersey

What comes to mind when you think of New Jersey? If its stereotype of cement, factories, smoke, and chainlink fences appears, you’re not alone. I had an opportunity this past October, to discover that, although those gray places do exist, they’re by far not the only things this Mid-Alantic state has to offer.

You may also be wondering what or who ALHFAM is. They are the Association for Living History, Farm, and Agricultural Museums, and in October they put on a skills workshop for anyone whose interest was piqued (though I must say the majority of attendees were museum professionals). Upon registering, we were offered a selection of intriguing workshops, ranging from how to butcher a pig, to incorporating STEM into museum programming. For housing, we agreed on the option of sleeping at one of the host museums to save a few dollars!

With the prospect of new connections and unique skill acquisitions ahead, my mom and I set off south, making our way down through Connecticut and New York. Our destination lay right in the midst of Trenton, at the Old Barracks Museum. We arrived just after the first workshop had commenced (thanks a lot commuters!)

Meeting in an upstairs room of the historic barracks building, our presenter, Dr. Richard Hunter, began his Urban Archaeology Tour with an overview of the significance of Trenton and major changes it has undergone.

Starting with the building we sat in, he explained that it was originally constructed with a view of the river, on the edge of town, out of locally quarried stone. The barracks’ purpose was to serve as a soppy base for the frontiers during the French and Indian War as well as house traveling soldiers. This last duty was demanded by fed-up residents who were sick and tired of providing room and board to any military force passing through.

Now I mentioned that it was originally built with a water view. No, the trees haven’t blocked it all. The river has actually been filled in, so that its banks are now on the other side of a highway that sits near the Old Barracks. In many places around the city, it’s difficult to picture how 18th century citizens viewed the landscape.

One example of the phenomenon is Mill Hill Park, where the mill and its remnants can be hard to spot. Years ago, most of what is now the park was covered in water and acted as the mill pond. As you cross over a nearby bridge, you can spy the old foundation work of the mill, along with the bed of the Assunpink Creek it sat by.

As we moved on, our guide pointed out an old yellow house, called the Alexander Douglass House. This place has been moved around the town three times over the years, to the point that its historical integrity is sadly diminished. Its claim to fame is that George Washington used the building as his headquarters for the Second Battle of Trenton, and then held his council of war there before the Battle of Princeton. However, at this point, the Douglass House is not being used for much, and we didn’t go inside.

Just down the street, an old Quaker Meeting House sits next to the street, with a small burial ground attached. As one of the three historic buildings in the city, it was occupied by Redcoats and Hessians (German mercenaries) during the Revolution.

One thing about Trenton that I’d like to inject is that there are beautiful murals scattered over the city. They add a splash of color and interest to some of the duller streets. Elia Barga is one of the muralists, and painted a commemoration of the Revolution on a large canvas which was then hung on a structure in town.

Elia Barga’s Mural

Passing the Delaware & Raritan (D&R) Canal on our way to the Battle Monument, we stopped to learn about the unassuming waterway. Established in the 1830’s, the canal is actually still in use today! With a width of 13 feet, the canal has no lifts, but a few locks along its length. The canal acted as a thoroughfare for coal originally, but is now one of New Jersey’s water supplies. In addition, 60-plus miles of the canal and the strips of land on either side are now designated as the D&R Canal State Park, open for hiking, biking, and boating.

At the apex of a slight hill, and the convergence of five roads, sits an imposing monument to the Battles of Trenton. The Redcoats set up cannons on this location, and the Patriots used the multiple roads to cut off the Hessians’ escape. On top of the thick pillar, which was dedicated in the 1980s, stands George Washington. Though there used to be tours of the structure, including a ride on an ancient elevator to the top. No staff are stationed there now, and unfortunately, tours are difficult to hear because of traffic.

The Battle of Trenton occurred on December 26th, 1776, and was a turning point of the war. Prior to that, the Continental army had not been doing well. Some Patriots took oaths of loyalty to the crown, hoping to prevent punishment if the colonies lost. However, when the Whigs starting winning again, these oaths were soon thrown in the fire. Makes you wonder how loyal they really felt.

We made our way back towards the Old Barracks then, going by St. Mary’s Convent as well. This church was closed after the Declaration of Independence was announced: the congregation split and the structure was utilized at one point for soldiers’ quarters. And if you’re into random ties to famous figures, the church’s graveyard includes the body of Napoleon Bonaparte’s older brother’s mistress. Now that’s a stretch.

As we walked through the streets, Dr. Hunter pointed out a low spot in the city, where the stream Petty’s Run was located. In the 1880s and 90s a sewer system was put in place, erasing the original waterway.

Back behind the Old Barracks lies an unfinished park. Part of it is blockaded off, with plans to improve it still in place. But one section revolves around an archaeological dig that was completed on the site. The finds have been left uncovered, revealing the foundations of buildings from several eras. You can view the outline of the old plating mill, which became a blacksmith shop; there’s also a steel furnace that was one of five in the colonies in the 1750’s. A paper mill and houses complete the dig’s findings.

The Archaeological Dig

As you may have noticed, the anniversary of the first Battle of Trenton just passed. In commemoration, the city of Trenton holds Patriots’ Week every December. This year the festivities go through the 26th – 31st. Battle reenactments, a colonial ball, historic walking and bus tours, and much more are taking place across the city.

Throughout our two days in Trenton, I was continually surprised by the our experience. From sleeping in the Old Barracks’ beds, to eating a delicious meal from 1911 Smokehouse Bar-B-Que, to a scenic drive over to the Washington Crossing State Park. If you’ve never been to New Jersey, try it out!

The Dubois Pioneer Home

Front view of the house.

When I think of Florida, images of historical homes and areas of historic significance are not what first pop into my mind.  Normally, I picture warm beaches, overdeveloped land, and tropical weather. However, when we visited my grandma last month, she brought us to a old house (on a hill!) in Jupiter, Florida.

As I mentioned, what first stands out is the fact that the building is perched upon a tiny hill, just bigger than itself. Being a rarity in Florida, it came as no surprise that this one was manmade as well. Unlike most hills though, this one, called a midden, is made completely from shells! The Florida natives constructed it thousands of years before the Dubois family, and though grass grows over the top now, you can still see shells spilling from the sides.

But not only is the location interesting, the family who lived there was not very typical. They were pioneers, too, just not out in the Midwestern plains. The house was built by a man named Harry Dubois in 1898 for his new bride, Susan Sanders. Harry grew up in New Jersey, but started spending the summers in Florida when he was 16. Then he met Susan in Jupiter where he’d been serving on the local lifesaving station’s crew. When he asked her where she wanted to live after they were married, she said on a hill. Since the shell midden was the highest ground around, Harry claimed it as their new home. At the time, it was Floridian wilderness, right up against the Jupiter Inlet.

They raised four children there: John, Henry, Anna, and Niel. When the children were old enough for school, they took a schoolboat to the local schoolhouse. The children also helped out with the many projects the Dubois took on. As a self-sufficient family, fishing and hunting possums and raccoons were common occurrences.  In 1910, Harry used lumber from the old life-saving station nearby to construct over 600 beehives! He had decided to try beekeeping, and it went very well for him.  Renting out his bees to farmers, one year Harry made 90,000 lbs of honey.

When the Dubois sons grew up, they took on different aspects of the family business. Niel handled the bees, and John the fishing. Henry carried on the agriculture ventures, including growing and selling ferns. 

The year 1924 marked the death of Harry, and Susan moved out to West Palm to live with her father. Then in the 1927 and ’28 came two hurricanes followed by the Great Depression. The family decided to rent their house out to make some money, and renters lived in it until Susan sold the house in 1954.

As an interesting side note, the flooring is all made from Dade County Pine. These special pines were all cut down, as they become extremely hard and durable for use in buildings. No nails were used in the construction of the floors, only wooden pegs. Later on, some of the floors needed to be replaced, and more of the pine was salvaged from an old bank. The carpenters on the job complained that the wood ate away at their saws like no other wood.

Another unusual event that this park boasts is the shipwreck of John Dickenson and his crew. It’s believed that the land where the Dubois house sits is the site of this 1698 tragedy. All of the ship’s occupants survived, making it to shore only to be stripped and starved by natives holding them atop the midden. Tragically, these native groups later died out because of diseases from Spanish explorers. They were replaced  by more northern tribes, such as the Seminoles in the 1700 and 1800’s. Today, a cannon from Dickenson’s ship is displayed at the midden’s foot. In addition, archaeology digs at the midden have revealed rare beads, along with other intriguing native artifacts.

Regarding its time as a museum, the Dubois Pioneer Home was opened for tourism in the 1990’s, but closed again after hurricanes caused damage to the building. In 2016, the museum reopened and is run by the Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation. If you find yourself headed down south for some vacation time, take an hour to go learn some of Florida’s history. It might surprise you!

Parks & Recreation – DuBoisPioneer

Welcome to Discover Palm Beach County

Part 2: Adams National Historical Park

The Library at Peace Field

Your cliffhanger resolution has arrived! Sorry everyone for the long absence! I got a little overwhelmed with the holiday and National Novel Writing Month. Last time I left off with me on the trolley to visit John and Abigail Adams’ much more lavish residence, the Old House at Peace field. We arrived just as a rainstorm ended. The driver pulled up outside the stone wall and we walked down to the gate, where another park ranger was waiting for us. Something I forgot to mention before, is that in its entirety, the tour is about 3 hours long. Though I certainly enjoyed it, the tour might be a little long for younger kids. Fortunately, there are the trolley rides as well, so you’re not just in one location for 3 hours.

As we gathered on the porch, a different group filed out which was much larger than ours; I suppose we lucked out! Before we entered the house, the ranger answered any questions we might have starting out. Someone asked about the stone wall in front, which turned out to have been added by a later relation as the town of Quincy grew busier.

When we headed in, we were instructed to look into the room on our left, before entering the dining room on our right. The left room was a mahogany paneled parlor, and was partitioned off. Similarly, the room we were now in was mostly roped off, so that the aging artifacts could be protected.

Something that is unique about the Peace field house is that none of the rooms are arranged for a particular time period. Everything is a conglomeration of the different generations’ possessions. So in this first room, the ranger pointed out to us that the dining room table and chairs set had belonged to John and Abigail. The chairs on either end and the chest standing against one wall were each from successive descendants.

The second room we entered was a parlor that Abigail had requested to be added later on. With higher ceilings and more expensive furniture, this was a room for only adults, modeled after the popular fashions of Europe. Included in the decor were multiple portraits of various Adams family members. Two of them are from the 17th century and are believed to be the earliest surviving portraits painted in the colonies! The set of white, upholstered furniture in the room John had purchased in Europe for one of the U.S. embassies. But he ended up shipping it back for his own use at a later time. Dating from the 1830s, the wallpaper in the parlor is the oldest in the house.

From there, we went upstairs, where we peered over a rope at the study. The room was large, spanning the width of the house. One of the objects inside was a chair covered in floral fabric. We were told that this was the chair John Adams died in on July 4th, 1826, exactly 50 years after the Declaration of Independence was announced. 

The next space we entered was the Presidential Walkway, so named because one of the presidents caused its construction. Before this hallway was built, in order to get from the master bedroom to the study, you either had to go downstairs, cross to the other side of the house, and take another staircase back up, or you had to walk through the guest bedroom. Now John Quincy Adams was in the habit of visiting his study during the night, and he preferred taking the latter route, regardless of whether guests occupied it or not. His wife, Louisa Catherine, disapproved, and suggested the hallway as a means for John Quincy to reach his study with speed. The walkway was built and is filled with bookshelves, which are covered with books.

As we strolled down the passage, we peeked into the various bedrooms. The master was first used by John and Abigail, but when Abigail died, John slept in a different bedroom instead. But the master was utilized again by John Quincy and Louisa. 

At the end of the hallway, we passed through a door. A staircase spiraled up to a third floor where the servants would have lived. John and Abigail were not overly wealthy, but there grandson Charles Francis Adams was. He achieved his riches the old-fashioned way: by marrying into it. He and his wife added on to the house, including the servants quarters for their and their guests’ servants.

Back downstairs, by a different stairway, we emerged in the kitchen. A hodgepodge of appliances and cooking accoutrements from various eras were placed around the room. Along one wall was a row of bells for many rooms that alerted servants to their masters’ needs.

Then we proceeded through a butler’s pantry of sorts that houses many different plates, bowls and serving ware from the Adams family. We then came out into the main hall, where the ranger told us a story of Louisa Catherine. Louisa was disapproved of by her mother-in-law, Abigail. Since Louisa was from England, and was used to high society there, Abigail felt that she was weak and unsuited for the New England life.

Louisa got her chance to prove Abigail wrong. She had been living with her husband John Quincy in Russia while he was a delegate there. However, John was asked to go to France. John believed his stay would be temporary, and left Louisa and their son in Russia. When it became apparent that John would be staying, he asked Louisa to sell their house, pack up their belongings and come to him on the other side of Europe.

But John didn’t consider that the journey would be through a wintry, currently war-torn Europe. Louisa made the trip nonetheless, using her french to get them through a sticky situation with opposing military forces. After that, she always had Abigail’s respect.

After John Adams time, a library was constructed on the estate. The building was made with stone to ensure that the books would be safe from the threat of fire. The construction is beautiful, and is filled with tomes from top to bottom. There are books in many languages including the 5 different ones that John Quincy could read!

All in all, the Adams family were a unique and interesting group who were formative in the establishment and development of the early United States. I would definitely recommend visiting, though make sure your directions are correct! While you’re impatiently waiting for the historic homes to reopen this spring, check out the link below, where you can peek into a few rooms on your own. Till next week!

Adams National Historical Park

This site is actually situated in three different locations around the historic town of Quincy, Mass. With its aging saltbox houses, this park is one that I’ve been interested in for years. In 7th grade, I preformed a monologue based from one of Abigail Adams’ letters to John Adams. I was intrigued by the letters’ truthful descriptions of everyday 18th century life, including smallpox inoculations, to significant events, such as accounts of the Declaration of Independence being announced. How cool to be able to see where these intriguing people lived!

Throughout his life, John Adams wished to be back home with his family at his humble, peaceful farm. Now the public can visit that place as well. My dad and I drove over to see it before the historic houses closed for the season on November 11th. The visitor center does remain open during the winter, but I would recommend going when the houses are open, as they are the main attraction.

We followed our GPS to the John Adams and John Quincy Adams Birthplaces. However, when we stepped inside, a park ranger informed us that we were welcome to join this tour, but the experience is better if you start at the visitor center. A trolley will take you from there to the birthplaces, and then the second stop at Peacefield estate. 

We decided to drive to the visitor center so that everything would be in order. Getting there proved a little frustrating, even though it is close by. I would make sure that you are getting directions for the Adams National Historical Park Visitor Center, not the Presidential Birthplaces.

Once there, we arrived about 20 minutes before the 1:15pm tour. For some reason, the fee was waived that day, but according to the website, it’s usually $15 per person over the age of 16. A video was playing, giving an overview of the four generations of Adams that lived in these houses. Unfortunately, we weren’t quite able to finish it before the trolley arrived.

Taking the trolley, we were back at the birthplaces in less than 10 minutes. A park ranger met us outside the buildings, introduced himself, and gave a brief intro to the houses. In short, most of the houses’ original structure has been replaced over the years. They still stand on their original, 17th century foundations.

The John Quincy Adams house does have two 17th century floorboards and the John Adams house has one 17th century ceiling beam. The most recent major restoration was in the 1980s when the properties were transferred to the Park Service. Shingles were replaced in 2013, and are the newest repair to the houses.

Once the ranger answered our questions, we trooped into the John Adams Birthplace, whose outside slats are stained dark brown. Inside, there isn’t a lot of furniture. When it was used by the Adams, there would have been a few more tables and chairs, but not too much more.

John Adams’ father, Deacon John Adams, was a farmer, but followed his family’s tradition of educating the eldest son. Beginning at the age of 10, the Deacon attempted to start John’s education, but John wasn’t interested. The Deacon let it slide until John turned 14, at which time he insisted that his son take studying seriously. John bargained that he would obey as long as he could have a new teacher, which he was allowed. 

John’s love for learning exploded after that. He attended Harvard starting at the age of 16, as he was able to pass the entrance exam and pay for tuition. Once he graduated in 1755, he attempting teaching for a year, but discovered that the career was not for him. By the end of the year, he was having students teach the class, and skipping out to attend court sessions. Once his year was completed, he worked under attorney James Putnam and soon passed the 18th century equivalent of the bar exam himself.

Back near Quincy, John was getting to know Abigail Smith. Though it was by no means love at first sight, they began writing letters back and forth discussing philosophy.

John’s father died in 1761, and John inherited one of the houses, along with 10 acres of land. His brothers both inherited significantly more land than John, as their father expected them to make a living from the land and John was to make a living from the education the Deacon gave him. This division was one reason John called his father the most honest man he knew.

John and Abigail were married in October 1764, and moved into the farmhouse where John Quincy Adams would be born. On the tour, we headed over this tan-painted house, perhaps 30 feet away.

This house was similar inside. One of the rooms was set up as John Adams would have used it as his law office. A replica of his desk stands in one corner. All of the furniture in these buildings are replicas; originals that survive are located at Peacefield.

For much of the time John and Abigail were based here Abigail ran the farm. As John became more and more involved in the colonial government, he was gone for long stretches of time. Later, John was sent to help negotiate a treaty with France. He took his son, John Quincy Adams, with him.

I do have a small correction though. In answer to questions from other visitors, the park ranger confirmed that people were definitely shorter back then, and that is one of the reasons for low doorways, etc. He did state that the other reason would be for heat conservation. However, I just recently heard it reiterated that it is not necessarily true that people of the past were shorter. For starters, George Washington was 6’4″! Height depends on how well multiple generations have been fed. In the American colonies, food was readily available and had been, in Britain, for years, so height would have been very similar to ours now.

After a rapid tour of the two homes in half an hour, the trolley arrived to bring us to our next stop. We hopped on, and were whisked past the visitor center to Peacefield. Peacefield is the house and property that John and Abigail purchased when they returned from living in Europe’s opulence. When they were planning on coming back, their quaint farmhouse no longer seemed to meet their needs.

Next week I’ll finish the visit by detailing our tour through Peacefield, which is definitely the property that the Park Service focuses on.

Old Barracks Museum

Happy New Year!

I’d like to continue on with our New Jersey visit as there just wasn’t enough room the last time:). So here’s the details for our tour of the Old Barracks Museum. For those of you who missed my last post, my mom and I attended The Association for Living History, Farm, and Agricultural Museum’s (ALHFAM) Mid-Atlantic Skills Workshop in downtown Trenton, NJ. Quite the mouthful. While there, we were introduced to some places that definitely deserved a return visit.

One of the spots we spent the most time at was the the Old Barracks Museum. This u-shaped building was constructed with local stone in 1758 as housing for soldiers during the winters of the French and Indian War. Prior to its creation, the residents of Trenton, along with other major population centers, were required to host soldiers themselves.

But this new building was designed to hold 300 men in its 20 rooms. An officers’ house was added onto one side, providing much more spacious accommodations for the higher-ups. While participating in the workshops, we actually spent the night in one of the bunk rooms! As an aside, the top bunks are rather high, with no ladders. Getting up either requires some height, strength, or a window ledge. But we were told that there wouldn’t have been ladders there originally.

After we had spent the night, we took a workshop that included a tour of the Old Barracks. We began on one of the porches that run along the front of the building. Our guide gave us some pointers on how to make a site tour memorable, then proceeded to give us a background on the stone structure.

Then we filed into one of the squad rooms (not the one we slept in!), that was furnished with various period items. Straw ticks (mattresses) lay on the beds, while guns were lined up at the end of a bed. Coats, satchels, and hats we draped over bunks and pegs, with a small card table squeezed into the space as well.

There were three bunks with two beds apiece. Twelve to eighteen men would have shared the room! But compared to their quarters the rest of the year, the soldiers were living in luxury: walls, floor, ceiling, warmth, and good food were all included. 

You might look at the wooden beds and think they appear a little short for our modern standards. However, lie down and they are pretty comparable to what we sleep in now. Our guide wanted to point out that people weren’t necessarily shorter then. Height is directly related to how well fed people have been over the generations. In 18th America, the population as a whole (going back to Britain as well) had access to the food they required. As an example, George Washington himself was 6’4″! If you’d like to learn more about this, check out my link at the bottom of the post.

Continuing on, we found ourselves in the officers’ quarters, moving through a more modern fire door to avoid the rain. Immediately, it becomes apparent that the officers were living in much better conditions than the soldiers. Each had a room to himself, along with a communal dining room.

Here our guide took a moment to remind us what it was like to be a colonial British subject before the American Revolution occurred. As British subjects, they would have considered themselves some of the freest people in the world. Discussing politics was completely permissible, newspapers with wildly varying ideas and opinions were published daily, and citizens ate meat no matter if they were rich or poor.

Colonists celebrated the king’s birthday how we celebrate the 4th of July now. They viewed themselves as happy, loyal, English citizens. Compared to France and Spain, England was definitely the superior nation of liberty.

Prior to the French and Indian War, the colonists lived in a state of salutary neglect. But the war caused the British Empire to go into debt, and they wanted the colonies to help pay it back. So they imposed taxes on the colonists. However, there was no representation for them in parliament.

An uproar of British subjects fighting for their rights of representation as citizens of the crown succeeded. Before the Declaration of Independence, there was no war for independence, but that document completely changed the course of the revolution. Now it was Whigs against Tories, and Continentals against Redcoats.

At its beginning, the Old Barracks were utilized by the English, who stayed there until around October/November of 1776. In 1777, the Barracks became a recruitment center and medical hospital for the Continentals. Medical treatments included small pox inoculations, which sickened the patient with a weak strain of the disease, protecting them from the deadly strain. Our guide reminded us that though some of their methods may seem primitive or horrific (e.g. bloodletting) to us now, we must remember that they were just doing the best they could with what they had. We do the same in the 21st century. Future generations may look back on chemo with disgust, but it’s the best we have at the moment. Making sure we don’t view the people of the past as just stupid is important.

Finishing the tour in one of the museum’s exhibit galleries, we were told the structure’s latter history. When the war was over, all the furniture was sold in 1783. The next year, the building was auctioned off for apartments. Then in 1792, the Barracks was cut in two, in order to allow Front Street to pass through the middle. This act also was symbolic, as it destroyed a building that was an emblem of the old empire’s power.

Later on, the Barracks hosted different crowds during its service as a boarding school, mayor’s residence, women’s society, and more. 1902 marked the year that the Daughters of the American Revolution purchased the building for historic purposes. In 1914, the state of New Jersey bought half of the structure. Eventually, the Barracks was restored, with a new mid-section, and opened as a museum.

Today, the Old Barracks Museum is a wonderful place to visit. Explore their detailed representations of what a bunk room would look like while in use, multiple exhibits, and living history interpreters, including a skilled tailor! The beautiful, stone and red-trimmed barracks are certainly a delightful destination.

Visit the Old Barracks Museum!

The Old Barracks Museum brings NJ's colonial and revolutionary history to life! Open year-round, Monday - Saturday, for walk-in visitors and groups!

Lexington’s Hancock-Clarke House and Buckman Tavern

The Hancock-Clarke House

I’m sure you’ve heard of Paul Revere’s midnight ride, “One if by land, two if by sea,” and the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World”. But how many of us have really gotten into the nitty-gritty of what happened on that 19th of April, 1775? That day was pivotal in the American Revolution: blood was shed on both sides. After that, nothing was the same and war was imminent.

Now, there are plenty of sites you can visit that each focus on differing parts of the event. You could go to the Old North Church or Paul Revere’s house in the heart of Boston, or you could head over to Minuteman National Park to view the North Bridge, among a host of other sites. However, I decided to drop in on the Lexington Historical Society and explore two of their c.18th century buildings.

After picking up a fellow history lover, my plan was to head to the Buckman Tavern first, which is right off the Lexington Green, then go to see the Hancock-Clarke House second. When we arrived at the tavern, we were asked if we wanted to take a tour of the building.

The price for touring just the tavern is $8.00. However, you can also purchase a $12.00 ticket that admits you to the Buckman Tavern, the Hancock-Clarke House, and the Munroe Tavern. At the moment though, the Munroe Tavern is closed until April 2019, but you can bring back the ticket next year to receive admission then. You don’t have to go to all the buildings on one day anyways.

I decided to buy the combo ticket. It seemed like the best deal, and we had the time for it. The woman at the front recommended walking over to the Hancock-Clarke House first, because its tours start every hour, and the tour gives a good background for learning about the tavern. Walking took less than ten minutes, as the house is just down the street.

Easy to spot with its bright yellow paint, the colonial building’s museum entrance is through a small wooden structure at the back. A historic herb garden surrounds the roadside sign, with different markers next to the carefully selected plants.

When I stepped inside, the path to the information desk seemed a bit awkward with a display narrowing the walkway. We arrived just in time for the 11:00 tour. First, we were instructed to take a seat in the main room where we were shown a 15 minute video giving a condensed history of the events leading up to the skirmish is Concord, focusing on Lexington’s part.

Once it ended, we were asked not to use flash photography, or to touch/lean upon any of the artifacts. Our guide was a man likely in his late 60s, who was wearing colonial garb. He was extremely knowledgeable and earned my stamp of approval by answering all my questions and presenting his information in an engaging -and sometimes funny- way.

So it turns out, the Hancock part of the house’s name originates from theJohn Hancock’s (the signer of the Declaration of Independence) family. His grandfather lived there for fifty odd years while he was the minister at the Lexington meetinghouse. This John Hancock (the first), raised his family there, including three sons.

The first son (John Hancock the second), and the third son both went to Harvard to become ministers. The middle son was trained as a bookbinder, and later transitioned to a bookseller among other things. This son, Thomas Hancock, made a fortune with his books, and became a wealthy landowner in Boston.

John Hancock II died when he was only 42, and left behind his wife and three children. Thomas Hancock and his wife, who hadn’t been able to have children themselves, adopted the eldest, John, as their own. After rich Uncle Thomas’ death, his wealth was left to his nephew, John Hancock III, who became the money source for the colonists during the Revolution.

But back to the house. In the 1730’s, Thomas most likely paid for an addition to be made on his parents house. Now, there is no hard evidence pertaining to exactly how all the parts of the present Hancock-Clarke House ended up together, but our tour guide gave us his own theory. Put simply, his idea is that part of this building was moved to its current location from another part of the town, which would explain some of the house’s oddities and the dates that have been gathered from wood samples.

Tiles around one of the fireplaces depicting Biblical scenes

After all these Hancocks, you might be wondering where the Clarkein the house’s name comes from. Clarke came into the picture when John Hancock I died and a new minister was required for Lexington’s meeting house. The Reverend Jonas Clarke was hired, and it was he and his family who were living in the house when the events of April 19th occurred.

So on April 18th and then 19th, Paul Revere, William Dawes, and later Samuel Prescott were riding through the country to warn the townspeople of the impending arrival of the Redcoats. Some of the people they particularly wanted to warn were Samuel Adams and John Hancock (III), who were staying at–guess where–the Hancock-Clarke House. Several warnings throughout the night were required to finally convince the two men to leave. Just in time, because the British Regulars arrived a few hours later.

Back in the 1700’s, this house would have had a clear view to the Lexington Green where the brief battle took place. One account by a survivor mentions hurtling down the road towards the house on a runaway horse during the skirmish. I could easily envision the galloping horse as our tour guide directed us to take a peek at the view from the upper story windows.

Once our tour was completed, we walked back to the Buckman Tavern. The women at the front desk were very friendly, and got us all set with our audio guides for the tour. There is also a nice gift shop in the tavern, with a lot of interesting colonial souvenirs. When we were ready, a guide led us to a room at the back of the building.

Inside this room, there was a display of items that would actually have been found at the Battle of Lexington (or most likely, for a few of them). A large stone marker rested against one wall, and old drawings were hung on another. She gave us an introduction to the tavern and an explanation of how to use the audio guides, which is very straightforward. We might’ve spent longer than usual because another group came in while we were listening to the audio guide. Hearing the audio was made a little more difficult while she gave them an introduction, but it didn’t last long.

Slowly, we walked through the other rooms, pausing in each one to listen to the corresponding number on the guide. The Buckman Tavern is the location where Lexington’s militia gathered after an initial call to arms during the night. When the Regulars didn’t show up, they thought it might’ve been a false alarm. So some went home while others stayed in the tavern right off the green. The militia who remained in the tavern were the ones who made a stand when the Redcoats arrived. A testament to its role in the skirmish, a bullet hole is still visible in the old front door.

Once we finished the main floor, we turned around and headed upstairs. The tavern has a new exhibit there on social media and its 18th century counterparts. There are several interactive displays and you can even send a postcard to a friend to commemorate your visit.

Overall, I found this museum very interesting, though I did prefer the Hancock-Clarke House, mainly because there was a tour guide instead of audio. I would definitely make a stop at the Lexington Historical Society next time you get a chance!

Longfellow’s Wayside Inn and Grist Mill Part 1

This landmark is billed as America’s oldest running inn. Quite a claim, so after browsing through the website, I decided I definitely needed to check it out. Online, I found that there is an enclave of historic buildings nearby, including an operational grist mill, the Martha Mary Chapel, and the Mary Had a Little Lamb Schoolhouse (yes, it’s believed that this is where Mary took her little lamb to school!) My grandma was visiting this past week, so we headed over to see the Grist Mill and get a bite to eat at the Wayside Inn.

My mom drove the whole crew over and we stopped first at the Grist Mill. There’s a simple sign on the side of the road giving the name and construction date. Parking is limited and consists of some gravel off the side of the road. However, our visit was on a weekday and we had no difficulties finding a space. We walked down a few steps to a path going across a flat, grassy field. A few signs indicated that the Grist Mill is a 1930 reconstruction of the original.

We crossed a small stream with a few fish in it and then stood at the foot of the mill. Boy, was it picturesque! I’d definitely recommend bringing a camera. With its bright red water wheel, stone walls, and mist sparkling in the sun, the old Grist Mill made for beautiful scene. (I should add, for professional photography sessions, you need to get permission ahead of time.)

Near the mill’s base, there are millstones scattered around with a sign describing their different characteristics. An uneven stone staircase leads up around to the back of the building, where the main entrance is on the second floor. Once inside, there is no fee, but a box is there for optional donations as you walk in.

We soon realized that no one was inside the Grist Mill to interpret, though the website indicated that there would be. Maybe it was because we came so close to 5 o’clock, which is closing time. I had also seen online that working mill demonstrations most often occurred on the weekend when there were the most visitors. We read most of the signs and found out that this mill, in the middle of Massachusetts, was owned by the Henry Ford!

All the mill’s contraptions were very interesting, but it would have been even better if they were moving. We went through pretty quickly and hopped back into the car.

Just down the road, the Wayside Inn sprawls along the road. We were a little confused where to park and picked a space across the street. However, there is actually parking behind the inn as well. Once we located the entrance (it’s not obvious from across the street), we found ourselves in a hallway across from the Wayside’s gift shop. The gift shop was nice, with cute products and history books for sale.

We were there kind of early for dinner, so we didn’t have any problems getting a table. I’m fact, it was pretty empty. Our waitress led us to what she told us was one of the oldest rooms at the inn: the kitchen. I could tell that the room was old: the wooden floors had warped and the old bookcase against one wall slanted along with it. A large fireplace was located right next to our table, and various cooking accoutrements were placed around it. One of them was a sort of geared pulley system; we asked the waitress what it was, and it turned out to be an antique, automated rotisserie.

Snacking on the assorted breads given us, we made our order. (Though I know this isn’t a food blog, I’ll give my two cents worth: our favorite parts were the breads and indian pudding. The rest of the food was not bad.)

As we were headed out, I noticed a sizable embroidered map of the Greater Boston Area. The interesting stitchery depicted the events of April 19th, 1775, when British soldiers marched through Lexington and Concord. I thought it quite neat.

Further down the hall there appeared to be the hotel section of the inn. You can actually still stay there! But without fully exploring that end, we departed for the car.

When we emerged outside, low and behold, there was a group of fifers getting ready for practice. A father and son stood near a bench. While we waited for my mom to bring the car around, we struck up a conversation. Turns out, the father is a docent at the inn on weekends. They are both a part of different fife and drum corps in the area. The Sudbury Ancients, the father’s group, was the one that was going to be practicing that night. On Wednesday nights during the summer through September you can find them there.

Once he found out that we hadn’t been to the Wayside before and hadn’t gone a tour, he offered to give us a brief tour. We filed back in the way we came while he gave us an overview of events leading up to the shots in Lexington and how that affected the inn and its occupants.

We passed through the lobby to the hall where we had stopped before. On one side, there was a bar, on the other, an exhibit. Our tour guide explained that this was the original section of the building, and this one room has been maintained to appear as it would have hundreds of years ago. The room is believed to be the one described in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, Tales of a Wayside Inn, thus the name.

Next we went upstairs, where there is a large function room, a few glass cases with artifacts, and overnight rooms. Our guide pointed out to us an original charred beam from a 1955 fire that blazed in the building. He also told us that people have left rolled up notes in the bedrooms for a long time; unfortunately, any historical significant ones are probably gone.

After answering our questions, he concluded the tour, saying that he recommends returning on a Sunday, when there are reenactors present. Then we filed outside and into the car. I was left with a much better feeling towards the place after our tour. I definitely intend to return on a future Sunday to explore the sites when they have the most to offer. Then I will have to write a Part 2.

As a final note, there does not appear to be any fees for visiting the Wayside Inn, and the Grist Mill is supported by donations. I believe this historic enclave is certainly worth a weekend visit!


1. Sudbury Ancient Fyfe & Drum Co. 2. Westbrook Drum Corps 3. Landcraft Fife & Drum Corps 4. Menotomy Minute Men Fife & Drum 5. Kentish Guards Fife & Drum Corps 6. Connecticut Patriots 7. William Diamond Jr. Fife & Drum Corps 8. Prescott's Battalion 9. Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums 10.

The Phillips House


So you’ve been to Salem, Mass. You’ve seen the Salem Witch Museum, the House of the Seven Gables, the Peabody-Essex Museum, and the other various attractions. All worthy endeavors. But, have you been to the Phillips House, resting serenely over on Chestnut Street?

Well, last week I was searching for something novel to do in Salem and came across this old mansion. On my way over, I got stuck in unexpected traffic (caused by road construction). Finally, I pulled into the wide, greenery draped drive. I visited at 3 o’clock on a Thursday and there was ample parking in front of the row of massive houses. Since I arrived later than I had planned, I hurried across the street and around the back of the house to the porch.

When I entered, I was greeted by a staff member who cheerfully asked if I was there for a tour. Lasting 45-60 minutes, tours start every half hour beginning at 11am; the last one starts at 4pm. I had just made it for the 3pm tour, and luckily for me, I was the only visitor there! She also inquired if I had any specific interests that I would like the tour to be focused on.

After a brief introduction to the people who lived in the old abode, we slipped on shoe covers. The disposable slippers protect the antique floors and irreplaceable carpets from wandering feet. Striding through the extravagant dining room, we reached the front door and hallway. My guide began to tell me about my surroundings.

The Phillips House is a 19th century mansion with really quite an intriguing story. It all started as a spite house. Back in 1800, Captain Nathaniel West and his wife, Elizabeth Derby West, constructed a house for themselves. Later, they were divorced, and the property was left to Elizabeth, and when she died, it was divided between their three daughters.

Sadly, the youngest daughter died early. Instead of her inheritance being distributed between her sisters, her property was given back to their father. Full of enmity, Nathaniel West chopped off his third of the house, which consisted of four chambers. In 1820, he used oxen and logs, and rolled the rooms about 5 miles down the road. The structure was placed onto its present location, and Captain West put on a few additions.

After the house’s unique change of scenery, the building spent many decades as a home, boarding house, and ladies’ finishing school. In the 1870’s and 80’s the mansion reached a square footage of 10,000 square feet, which is what it covers today.

In 1911, the magnificent house was purchased by the Phillips, an old Salem family. As new owners, they renovated their new acquisition with items such as electricity and a call system. The home is still filled with unusual artifacts from the Phillips family collection, which extends quite far back. There are dishes, carpets, pictures, furnishings and much more spread throughout the numerous rooms.

My tour guide was extremely knowledgeable. She welcomed any and every question I might have (there was perhaps only one she didn’t know), and knew the mansion’s history thoroughly. I was told that I could walk anywhere in the rooms. There were no roped off areas, which I found very cool.

I highly recommend taking the time to explore this fascinating estate. Prices seem to be very reasonable. The cost is $8 for adults, $7 for seniors, and $4 for students. Since it is run by Historic New England, admission is free if you are a member of the group; tickets are also free for Salem residents.

Unfortunately, this house is not handicap accessible. There are multiple flights of stairs needed to traverse the house. A short one leads into the house, and there are two for climbing to the second and third levels, and one long, more narrow staircase to go back down.

The grounds also encompass a large brick building that the Phillipses only used for storage. I just received a brief overview of it because of my own time constraints, however, it would be interesting to learn more. Inside are housed several antique cars, one of which still runs today, and carriages.

So much information is contained in this old house; I look forward to visiting this site again!

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