Hello! My name is Ava.

I am passionate about the relevance of history – to identity, social change, and sustainability.

History enthralled me even as a child. My first chapter books were the Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and by age seven, I was devotedly watching the Little House TV show wearing my dishcloth bonnet.

As a teen, I volunteered at Fort Nisqually Living History Museum in Tacoma, Washington. There I was able to dress up in the period clothing of the 1850’s and portray the people who lived in the fur trade era.

More recently, I graduated from the University of Alaska Anchorage with a degree in history and anthropology. Over the past few years, I’ve focused on buildings and historic preservation, including academic research and hands-on preservation maintenance.

I currently intern with the National Council for Preservation Education documenting hazards in Kennecott Mine National Historic Landmark.

But more than just the historic buildings, I am fascinated by the lives of ordinary people – what clothes did they put on in the morning? What tools did they use for work? What did they eat? How did they play?

In this blog, I hope to excite others about history and emphasize the myriad of places it can be found. It’ll be a fantastic time, I’m sure.

history is relevant!